Technical Program

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Time Clarendon Auditorium Room D Room E Room A

Monday, October 27

08:50 M-P: Plenary Talk 1: Giuseppe Caire      
10:20 M-1-C: LDPC Codes M-1-D: Shannon Theory I M-1-E: Data Hiding & Network Security M-1-A: Image & Signal Processing
14:00 M-2-C: Convolutional Codes M-2-D: Shannon Theory II M-2-E: Computatinal Security M-2-A: Quantum Information over Quantum Channels
16:00 M-3-C: Coding Theory & Practice I M-3-D: Stochastic Process & Source Coding M-3-E: Data Security M-3-A: Classical Information over Quantum Channels

Tuesday, October 28

08:50 T-P: Plenary Talk 2: Hirosuke Yamamoto      
10:20 T-1-C: Coding Theory & Practice II T-1-D: Data Compression & Source Coding T-1-E: Approaches for Recent Innovative Cryptography (Organized Session) T-1-A: Classical and Quantum Secure Network (Organized Session)
14:00 T-R: Recent Results Poster Session (at Auditorium Foyer)
15:20 T-2-C: Algebraic Codes T-2-D: Coding for Distributed Systems T-2-E: Information Theoretic Security I T-2-A: OFDM Systems

Wednesday, October 29

08:30 W-1-C: Coding Theory & Practice III W-1-D: Multi-User Information Theory I W-1-E: Cryptology W-1-A: Multiple Access Systems
10:30 W-2-C: Coding Theory & Practice IV W-2-D: Multi-User Information Theory II W-2-E: Information Theoretic Security II W-2-A: Communication Systems
13:50 W-3-C: Constrained Codes & Flash Codes W-3-D: MIMO Relay Channel W-3-E: Sequences I  
15:50 W-4-C: Coding and Signal Processing for Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording (Organized Session) W-4-D: Fundamental Limits and Coding for Networks (Organized Session) W-4-E: Sequences II  

Monday, October 27

10:20 - 12:00

M-1-C: LDPC Codes

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Kenta Kasai
Spectral Shape of Non-Binary LDPC Code Ensembles with Separated Variable Nodes
Giuliano Garrammone; Enrico Paolini; Marco Chiani
Optimized Degree Distributions for Binary and Non-Binary LDPC Codes in Flash Memory
Kasra Vakilinia; Dariush Divsalar; Richard Wesel
On Computing the Weight Distribution of Non-Binary LDPC Codes Using the Probabilistic Algorithm
Masanori Hirotomo; Jun'ichi Tsurumi; Masakatu Morii
Non-binary LDPC Decoding Using Truncated Messages in the Walsh-Hadamard Domain
Jossy Sayir

M-1-D: Shannon Theory I

Room: D
Chair: Jun Muramatsu
Universal Channel Coding with Continuous Output System
Masahito Hayashi
A Computation Algorithm of the Capacity of Discrete Memoryless Channel with the Input Size Larger Than the Output Size
Tsutomu Kawabata; Yoshiaki Kitayama
A Generalized Write Channel Model for Bit-Patterned Media Recording
Sima Naseri; Somaie Yazdani; Behrooz Razeghi; Ghosheh Abed Hodtani
Channel Dispersion for Well-Ordered Mixed Channels Decomposed Into Memoryless Channels
Hideki Yagi; Ryo Nomura

M-1-E: Data Hiding & Network Security

Room: E
Chair: Veelasha Moonsamy
Complexity-based Steganalysis
Sathiamoorthy Manoharan; Aquib Master; Ulrich Speidel
A Disaster Prevention Broadcasting Based on Data Hiding Scheme Using Complete Complementary Codes
Tetsuya Kojima; Toru Tachikawa; Akihiro Oizumi; Yoshimasa Yamaguchi; Udaya Parampalli
Countermeasure to Non-Linear Collusion Attacks on Spread Spectrum Fingerprinting
Minoru Kuribayashi
Study on a Scheme for the Right to Be Forgotten
Sachiko Kanamori; Kanako Kawaguchi; Hidema Tanaka
Analysis of Slow Read DoS Attack
Junhan Park; Keisuke Iwai; Hidema Tanaka; Takakazu Kurokawa

M-1-A: Image & Signal Processing

Room: A
Chair: Vaughan Clarkson
An Automated Recognition Technique for Aorta Aneurysm Using Thoracic Multi-Slice CT Images
Kento Horikoshi; Hiroshi Hanaizumi; Shin Ishimaru
An Improved RIP-Based Performance Guarantee for Sparse Signal Reconstruction with Noise Via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
Ling-Hua Chang; Jwo-Yuh Wu
A Comparison of FFT-based Techniques for Doppler Velocity Estimation in SuperDARN Radars
Nguyen Thanh; John Devlin; Darrell Elton; Guang Deng; Edhem Custovic; Brian Bienvenu
Variable Multi-Pulse PPM Using New Dimming Control Method for Visible Light Communications
Takashi Ozaki; Yusuke Kozawa; Yohtaro Umeda
Matched-Filter Detection of the Presence of MPSK Signals
Seyed Ali Saberali; Norman Beaulieu

14:00 - 15:40

M-2-C: Convolutional Codes

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Takayuki Nozaki
A Construction of LDPC Convolutional Codes with Close Distance Bounds
Tien-Hui Chen; Kuan-Chen Chen; Mao-Chao Lin
Error Probability Analyses of Maximum a Posteriori Probability Decoding by Moment Techniques
Daiki Hato; Yu Morishima; Ikuo Oka; Shingo Ata
Construction of High-rate Punctured Convolutional Codes Through Dual Codes
Kana Kikuchi; Sen Moriya; Hiroshi Sasano
Dependable Medical Network Based on 4G Cellular Mobile Standard with External Channel Code in Concatenated Code Structure
Emtithal Ahmed Talha; Ryuji Kohno

M-2-D: Shannon Theory II

Room: D
Chair: Shigeaki Kuzuoka
Constellation Constrained Capacity of Additive Gaussian Mixture Noise Channels
J Harshan; Emanuele Viterbo
Formulas for Limit Superior/Inferior in Probability
Jun Muramatsu
Suboptimal Quantizer Design for Outputs of Discrete Memoryless Channels with a Finite-Input Alphabet
Yuta Sakai; Ken-ichi Iwata
Estimation of Renyi Entropy of Order $\alpha$ Based on the Nearest Neighbor Distance
Young-Sik Kim
$\alpha$-Divergence Derived as the Generalized Rate Function in a Power-Law System
Hiroki Suyari; Antonio Maria Scarfone

M-2-E: Computatinal Security

Room: E
Chair: Hidenori Kuwakado
New Method for Factoring Two RSA Moduli with Implicit Hint
Ryuichi Sakai; Masao Kasahara
Worst Case Computation Time for Minimal Joint Hamming Weight Numeral System
Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn; Hiroshi Imai
Lossy Identification Schemes From Decisional RSA
Shingo Hasegawa; Shuji Isobe
Protocols for Evaluating Conditional Sum on Encrypted Data
Hiroki Hayashi; Satoshi Obana
Differential Probability for a Component in Non-Linear Function of K2 V2.0
Kenichi Yamaya; Toshinobu Kaneko

M-2-A: Quantum Information over Quantum Channels

Room: A
Chair: Tomoyuki Morimae
Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error-Correcting Codes Based on the Circulant Permutation Matrix
Mihoko Wada; Keisuke Kodaira; Tomoharu Shibuya
Non-Hermitian Extensions of Schrodinger Type Uncertainty Relations
Kenjiro Yanagi
On the Condition on Classical Codes to Construct Quantum Error Correcting Codes for Amplitude Damping Channel
Keisuke Kodaira; Tomoharu Shibuya
Decoupling Bent Quantum Networks
Antonín Hoskovec; Holger Frydrych; Igor Jex; Gernot Alber

16:00 - 17:40

M-3-C: Coding Theory & Practice I

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Jun Cheng
A Simple Scheme for Correcting Blocks of Multiple Adjacent Bit Errors
Josep Cotrina; Marcel Fernández
Enhancement of Punctured Turbo Code with UTPA in Optical Wireless Channel
Sachin Rai; Hiromasa Habuchi
An Improvement of Approximate BP Decoding
Gou Hosoya; Hiroyuki Yashima
A Coded Modulation Scheme for 64-QAM with a Matched Mapping
Tatsumi Konishi

M-3-D: Stochastic Process & Source Coding

Room: D
Chair: Mitsuharu Arimura
Finite-length Analysis on Tail Probability and Simple Hypothesis Testing for Markov Chain
Shun Watanabe; Masahito Hayashi
Formalization of the Variable-Length Source Coding Theorem: Direct Part
Ryosuke Obi; Manabu Hagiwara; Reynald Affeldt
Bayesian Estimation of the Rates in a Stochastic Biochemical Reaction Network
Branko Ristic; Alex Skvortsov
Evaluation of the Minimum Overflow Threshold of Bayes Codes for a Markov Source
Shota Saito; Nozomi Miya; Toshiyasu Matsushima
Granger Causality for Functional Valued Random Processes
Pierre-Olivier Amblard; Olivier Michel

M-3-E: Data Security

Room: E
Chair: Hideki Yoshikawa
Secure Regenerating Codes Using Linear MBR/MSR Codes and the All-or-Nothing Transform
Hidenori Kuwakado; Masazumi Kurihara
Secure Consolidation of Charging Information Over Smart Grid Using ID Federation
Hikaru Kishimoto; Shingo Okamura
On the Security Notions of Signcryption
Shingo Hasegawa; Shuji Isobe
A CDH-based Ordered Multisignature Scheme in the Standard Model with Better Efficiency
Naoto Yanai; Masahiro Mambo; Eiji Okamoto
A Proposal of Distributed Management Scheme of Content Key Information for Pure P2P Networks
Tomoaki Tsuchikawa; Bhed Bahadur Bista; Toyoo Takata

M-3-A: Classical Information over Quantum Channels

Room: A
Chair: Kenjiro Yanagi
Error Performance for Non-Destructive Quantum Receiver of M-Ary Coherent-State Signals
Kazuki Sato; Kenji Nakahira; Shogo Usami; Tsuyoshi Usuda
Quantum Gain of Coding by Polar Codes with Finite Codeword Length
Naoki Iwata; Tsuyoshi Usuda
A Simple Approximation of Minimum Error Probability Using Trace Distance
Shungo Asano; Tsuyoshi Usuda
Error Performance of Optimum Quantum Detection for BPSK Signals in the Presence of Phase Noise and Its Robustness
Shinji Koyama; Tsuyoshi Usuda

Tuesday, October 28

10:20 - 12:00

T-1-C: Coding Theory & Practice II

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Peter Trifonov
Low Complexity Construction of Low Density Lattice Codes Based on Array Codes
Ricardo Antonio Parrao Hernandez; Brian Michael Kurkoski
Precoding by Priority: A UEP Scheme for RaptorQ Codes
Keshava Elliadka; Robert H Morelos-Zaragoza
Fountain Codes Based on Zigzag Decodable Coding
Takayuki Nozaki
An Error-Floor Reduction Technique for Short-Length LT Codes
Li-Jen Chang; Chung-Hsuan Wang; John K Zao

T-1-D: Data Compression & Source Coding

Room: D
Chair: Ulrich Speidel
On the Coding Rate of a Multishot Tunstall Code for Stationary Memoryless Sources
Mitsuharu Arimura
On a Two-Dimensional Antidictionary Coding
Takahiro Ota; Hiroyoshi Morita
On a Universal Antidictionary Coding for Stationary Ergodic Sources with Finite Alphabet
Takahiro Ota; Hiroyoshi Morita
On Redundancy of Memoryless Sources Over Countable Alphabets
Maryam Hosseini; Narayana Prasad Santhanam
An Extended Similarity Distance for Use with Computable Information Estimators
Ulrich Speidel

T-1-E: Approaches for Recent Innovative Cryptography

Organized Session
Room: E
Organizer & Chair: Yasuyuki Nogami
A Solution For Privacy Preserving, Remote Access to Sensitive Data
Kalpana Singh; Jian Zhong; Lynn Batten; Peter Bertok
Recent Progress on Cryptographic Multilinear Maps and Applications
Ron Steinfeld
Android Applications: Data Leaks via Advertising Libraries
Veelasha Moonsamy; Lynn Batten
Pairing-based cryptography for homomorphic encryption
Yasuyuki Nogami; Shunsuke Miyoshi

T-1-A: Classical and Quantum Secure Network

Organized Session
Room: A
Organizer & Chair: Masahito Hayashi
Chair: Ryutaroh Matsumoto
Finite-length analysis for secret random number generation and coding theorems
Masahito Hayashi
Basics and applications of measurement-based quantum computing
Tomoyuki Morimae
Quantum network coding and the current status of its studies
Harumichi Nishimura
Coding Theoretic Study of Secure Network Coding and Quantum Secret Sharing
Ryutaroh Matsumoto

14:00 - 15:00

T-R: Recent Results Poster Session

Room: Auditorium Foyer
[Type I Poster Session]
On Modification of Rank Bound by Matrix Manipulation for Cyclic Codes
Junru Zheng; Takayasu Kaida
A General Construction of Z-Concatenative Complete Complementary Codes
Chenggao Han; Takeshi Hashimoto
SQL Injection Attack Detection with Contingency Table
Daiki Koizumi; Takeshi Matsuda; Hajime Jinushi
Steganalysis Based on Image Difference Signal Against Replacement of Two Least-Significant Bits
Tadakazu Sakakura
A Two-stage Method for Automatically Detecting Craters in Lunar Images
Zhoubin Zhang; Wei Zuo; Liang Geng
Asymptotics of MLE-based Prediction for Semi-supervised Learning
Goki Yasuda; Nozomi Miya; Tota Suko; Toshiyasu Matsushima
Strong Converse Theorems for Classes of Multimessage Multicast Networks: A Rényi Divergence Approach
Silas L. Fong; Vincent Y. F. Tan
Support Vector Machines in Side Channel Analysis
Ehsan Saeedi; Yinan Kong
Advantage Creation Property of QAM-type KCQ Key Generation
Yuki Umemura; Tsuyoshi Usuda; Shogo Usami
Parallel Concatenation of Polar Codes and Iterative Decoding
Akira Kamatsuka; Shunsuke Horii; Toshiyasu Matsushima
Group Covariance and Formula of Channel Matrix of Coded 4PSK Signals by Linear Codes Over ${\mathbb F}_4$
Minami Tanaka; Tomohiro Sogabe; Keisuke Shiromoto; Tsuyoshi Usuda
Chinese Word Acquisition Method Using State Transition Model
Makoto Suzuki; Naohide Yamagishi
Performance Evaluation of the Modified Binary Countdown Scheme for Wireless Multi-hop Network
Koichiro Hashiura; Fumie Ono
[Type II Poster Session]
A Lunar Crater Detecting Method Using Morphological Features Derived from Digital Elevation Model
Wei Zuo; Zhoubin Zhang; Liang Geng
A Relation between Mean King's Problem and Quantum Error-Correcting Codes
Masakazu Yoshida

15:20 - 17:00

T-2-C: Algebraic Codes

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Margreta Kuijper
A New Construction for Constant Weight Codes
Tuvi Etzion; Alexander Vardy
List-Decoding Gabidulin Codes Via Interpolation and the Euclidean Algorithm
Margreta Kuijper; Anna-Lena Trautmann
On the Primitive Polynomial as the Characteristic Polynomial of a Symmetric Companion Matrix
Manabu Hagiwara; Takaaki Sasaki
On Generator Polynomial Matrices of Generalized Pseudo-Cyclic Codes
Hajime Matsui
A Decoding Algorithm for Projective Reed-Muller Codes of 2-Dimensional Projective Space with DFT
Norihiro Nakashima; Hajime Matsui

T-2-D: Coding for Distributed Systems

Room: D
Chair: Jossy Sayir
Maximum Multicast Throughput by Network Coding on Undirected Hypernetworks
Hokuto Takahashi; Ryutaroh Matsumoto; Tomohiko Uyematsu
Distributed Storage Over Unidirectional Ring Networks
Jiyong Lu; Xuan Guang; Fang-Wei Fu
On Some Properties of Distributed Line Graphs
Akiko Manada; Hiroyoshi Morita
Two Storage Code Constructions Allowing Partially Collaborative Repairs
Shiqiu Liu; Frederique Oggier
Node Repair for Distributed Storage Systems Over Fading Channels
David Karpuk; Camilla Hollanti; Amaro Barreal

T-2-E: Information Theoretic Security I

Room: E
Chair: Yingbin Liang
Cooperative Jamming for MIMO Wiretap Channels
Shuiyin Liu; Yi Hong; Emanuele Viterbo
Achievable Rate-Equivocation Regions for Relay Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages
Bin Dai; Zheng Ma
On the Ergodic Secrecy Capacity of MIMO Wiretap Channels with Statistical CSI
Maksym A. Girnyk; Mikko Vehkaperä; Jinhong Yuan; Lars K. Rasmussen
Binary Transmissions Over Gaussian Wiretap Channel Under Soft/Hard Decision Decoding
Chao Qi; Yanling Chen; Han Vinck; Xiaohu Tang
RA-Inspired Codes for Efficient Information Theoretic Multi-path Network Security
Tao Ye; Darryl Veitch; Sarah J Johnson

T-2-A: OFDM Systems

Room: A
Chair: Yue Rong
A Single Carrier Block Transmission Scheme with Scattered Pilots for High-Order Modulation in Fast Fading Channel
Yasunori Nouda; Shinji Masuda; Ryosuke Nakamura; Hiroyasu Sano
A Study on Block Equalization for OFDM Systems with Short Cyclic Prefix
Masahiro Fujii; Yuta Kasajima; Hiroyuki Hatano; Atsushi Ito; Yu Watanabe
Reducing the Effect of Delayed Path Beyond Guard Interval by Compressed Sensing in OFDM Systems
Masato Saito
Performance Analysis of Chaos Based WSNs Under Jamming Attack
Arash Tayebi; Stevan Mirko Berber; Akshya Kumar Swain

Wednesday, October 29

08:30 - 10:10

W-1-C: Coding Theory & Practice III

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Chung-Hsuan Wang
Non-binary Polar Codes with Channel Symbol Permutations
Mao-Ching Chiu
Permuted Successive Cancellation Decoder for Polar Codes
Harish Vangala; Emanuele Viterbo; Yi Hong
Twisted Polar Codes
Peter Trifonov; Vera Miloslavskaya
Faulty Successive Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes for the Binary Erasure Channel
Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming; Andreas Burg
Sequential Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes
Vera Miloslavskaya; Peter Trifonov

W-1-D: Multi-User Information Theory I

Room: D
Chair: Yasutada Oohama
User-Relay Duality in Cyclic Interference Alignment for Cascaded Two-Way Relay Networks
Henning Maier; Rudolf Mathar
Dirty Interference Cancelation for Multiple Access Channels
Ruchen Duan; Yingbin Liang; Ashish Khisti; Shlomo (Shitz) Shamai
State-Dependent Gaussian Z-Interference Channel: New Results
Shahab Ghasemi-Goojani; Hamid Behroozi
Capacity Study of Distributed Beamforming in Relation to Constrained Backbone Communication
Peng Zhang; Frans MJ Willems; Li Huang

W-1-E: Cryptology

Room: E
Chair: Ryuichi Sakai
A New Higher Order Differential of Camellia
Nobuyuki Sugio; Hiroshi Aono; Kimihiko Sekino; Toshinobu Kaneko
In Search of Secure Domain Parameters Under Strong Diffie-Hellman and Related Assumptions
SeongHan Shin; Kazukuni Kobara; Hideki Imai
A New Higher Order Differential of LBlock
Naoki Shibayama; Toshinobu Kaneko
Secret Key Reconstruction Method Using Round Addition DFA on Lightweight Block Cipher LBlock
Hideki Yoshikawa; Masahiro Kaminaga; Arimitsu Shikoda; Toshinori Suzuki
A Knapsack Public-key Cryptosystem Using Two Random Sequences
Yasuyuki Murakami; Shinsuke Hamasho; Masao Kasahara

W-1-A: Multiple Access Systems

Room: A
Chair: Jamie Evans
Joint Turbo Equalization and BICM-ID-based IDMA Over Frequency Selective Fading Channels
Kun Wu; Khoirul Anwar; Tad Matsumoto
Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA Channel Estimation Method Using Kalman Filter
Takemi Suzuki; Takahiro Natori; Nari Tanabe; Toshihiro Furukawa
Asymptotic Reduced-Rank MMSE in Asynchronous MC-DS-CDMA Systems
Feng-Tsun Chien; Ronald Y. Chang
On BER Performance of Block Coding MC-ZCZ-CDMA
Ainiwan Abudoukeremu; Jincheng Huang; Yuta Ida; Takahiro Matsumoto; Shinya Matsufuji

10:30 - 11:50

W-2-C: Coding Theory & Practice IV

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Mao-Ching Chiu
Introduction of a Recursive Method for Specific Weight Binary Vector Generation in Decreasing Order of Its Reliability Measure
Takuya Kusaka
Cross-Error Correcting Integer Codes Over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^m}$
Anna-Lena Trautmann; Emanuele Viterbo
Symbol-Level Synchronization Using Probability Lookup-Table for IDS Error Correction
Haruhiko Kaneko
Coding Scheme for T-User Noisy Multiple-Access Adder Channel
Shan Lu; Wei Hou; Jun Cheng

W-2-D: Multi-User Information Theory II

Room: D
Chair: Henning Maier
Cut-Set Bound for Generalized Networks with Deterministic Channels
Silas L. Fong
The Error Exponent of Zero-Rate Multiterminal Hypothesis Testing for Sources with Common Information
Makoto Ueda; Shigeaki Kuzuoka
Rate Distortion for Source Coding with Markov Side Information At the Decoder
Yasutada Oohama
Encoding of Markov Sources with Partial Memoryless Side Information At the Decoder
Yasutada Oohama

W-2-E: Information Theoretic Security II

Room: E
Chair: Mitsugu Iwamoto
Information Theoretical Evaluation of the Bucketing Technique to Mitigate Timing Attacks
Yasuyuki Kobayashi; Yuichi Kaji; Hiroyuki Seki
Password-protected Secret-sharing Schemes Without Random Oracles
Shingo Hasegawa; Shuji Isobe; Junya Iwazaki; Eisuke Koizumi; Hiroki Shizuya
Gaussian Fuzzy Commitment
Han Vinck; Aram Jivanyan; Jonas Winzen
Cheating on a Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Under a Realistic Scenario
Pichanee Lumyong; Mitsugu Iwamoto; Kazuo Ohta

W-2-A: Communication Systems

Room: A
Chair: Branko Ristic
Design Factors for Dual-Hop AF Systems with Partial Relay Selection
Samy S. Soliman; Norman Beaulieu
New Relay-Based Transmission Protocols for Wireless Distributed Storage Systems
Camilla Hollanti; Hsiao-feng Francis Lu; David Karpuk; Amaro Barreal
Channel Capacity and Achievable Rates of Peak Power Limited AWGNC, and Their Applications to Adaptive Modulation and Coding
Shiro Ikeda; Kazunori Hayashi; Toshiyuki Tanaka
Study on BER Performance of SS System Using a Huffman Sequence Against CW Jamming Over AWGN Channels
Takahiro Matsumoto; Hideyuki Torii; Yuta Ida; Shinya Matsufuji

13:50 - 15:30

W-3-C: Constrained Codes & Flash Codes

Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Chair: Akiko Manada
Position Modulation Code for Non-Binary Write-Once Memories
Tetsuya Kobayashi; Hiroyoshi Morita; Akiko Manada
A Flash Code Utilizing Dynamic Segment Allocation
Kazuki Kumagai; Yuichi Kaji
Write-Once Memory Codes for Low-Complexity Decoding of Asymmetric Multiple Access Channel
Ryota Sekiya; Erick Christian Garcia Alvarez; Brian Michael Kurkoski; Hideki Yagi
An Improvement of Performance to Layered Index-less Indexed Flash Codes
Jun Asatani; Mitsuaki Honji
Code Rate of Constrained Code for Phase Change Memories
Shohei Takeyama; Hiroshi Kamabe

W-3-D: MIMO Relay Channel

Room: D
Chair: Jinhong Yuan
Degrees of Freedom of the MIMO 3-Way Channel
Henning Maier; Anas Chaaban; Rudolf Mathar
Channel Estimation for Frequency-Selective Two-Way MIMO Relay Systems
Choo Chiong; Yue Rong; Yong Xiang
Transceiver Optimization for MIMO Multi-Relay Systems Using Projected Gradient Approach
Apriana Toding; Muhammad R. A. Khandaker; Yue Rong
Joint Source and Relay Matrices Optimization for Interference MIMO Relay Systems
Khoa Nguyen; Yue Rong
Improved Rates and Coding for the MIMO Two-Way Relay Channel
Anatoly Khina; Yuval Kochman; Uri Erez

W-3-E: Sequences I

Room: E
Chair: Takayasu Kaida
A Novel Class of Binary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Sets by Using a Cyclic Difference Set
Takafumi Hayashi; Yodai Watanabe; Takao Maeda
A Novel Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set Having a Low-Peak Factor and a Flat Power Spectrum
Takafumi Hayashi; Yodai Watanabe; Shinya Matsufuji; Takao Maeda
Relations Between Evaluations of NIST Tests and Lyapunov Exponents of Sequences Generated by the Logistic Map Over Integers
Chikara Miyazaki; Takeru Miyazaki; Satoshi Uehara; Shunsuke Araki
Some Properties of the Maximum Period on the Logistic Map Over $Z_{2^n}$
Kyohei Yoshida; Takeru Miyazaki; Satoshi Uehara; Shunsuke Araki
Parameterization of High-Dimensional Perfect Sequences Over a Composition Algebra Over $\mathbb{R}$
Takao Maeda; Takafumi Hayashi

15:50 - 17:10

W-4-C: Coding and Signal Processing for Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording

Organized Session
Room: Clarendon Auditorium
Organizer: Bane Vasić
Chair: Shayan Garani
Estimation of Areal Density Gains of TDMR System with 2D Detector
Rathnakumar Radhakrishnan; Nedeljko Varnica; Mats Oberg
Two-Dimensional Noise-Predictive Maximum Likelihood Method for Magnetic Recording Channels
Chaitanya K Matcha; Shayan Garani; Seyed Mehrdad Khatami; Bane Vasić
A review study on the benefits of multi-reader heads in SMR and TDMR systems
Kheong Sann Chan

W-4-D: Fundamental Limits and Coding for Networks

Organized Session
Room: D
Organizer & Chair: Terence H. Chan
On Throughput-delay Tradeoff of Network Coding for Wireless Communications
Parastoo Sadeghi; Mingchao Yu; Neda Aboutorab
Information inequalities and finite groups: an overview
Nadya Markin; Frederique Oggier
Combination Network Coding: Alphabet Size and Zigzag Decoding
Chi Wan Sung; Xueqing Gong
Graph-based Code Construction for Data Storage
Mostafa Shabani; Terence H. Chan

W-4-E: Sequences II

Room: E
Chair: Shinya Matsufuji
Initial Values Entering Into an Element Zero with Period One for Logistic Maps Over Integers
Shunsuke Araki; Ken'ichi Kakizaki; Takeru Miyazaki; Satoshi Uehara
A Study of an Automorphism on the Logistic Maps Over Prime Fields
Takeru Miyazaki; Shunsuke Araki; Satoshi Uehara; Yasuyuki Nogami
An Efficient Generation of Geometric Sequences Defined with Trace and Legendre Symbol
Yasuyuki Nogami; Kazuki Tada; Satoshi Uehara
On Generalized Constant-Weight Codes Over GF(q) From a Cyclic Difference Set and Their Properties
Takayasu Kaida; Junru Zheng; Keiichi Takahashi

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