Visa Application

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, all the participants from overseas are required to apply for a visa to enter Japan. Before your application in your country, we must register the required details to MHLW’s ERFS for obtaining a Certificate for Completion of Registration. Please send the following information to if you plan to enter Japan from overseas to participate in ISITA2022. 

  • A scanned pdf file of the first page of your passport including your name, nationality, birthday and passport number (If necessary, please use the password “isita-tsukuba” for the protecction of the scanned pdf file)
  • Your exptcted date of entry into Japan
  • Your e-mail address
  • The name of the hotel you stay in Japan and its address
  • Your affiliation

Please complete the registration of ISITA 2022 at the same time.

We will send the certificate when it is ready. After you receive the certificate, you apply a visa to Embassy of Japan in your country. Please ask them for the details of the visa application.

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